How to Get Started

Create a new project

From the template project of ef_example_simple_standalone.

git clone

Modify this template and git config infomation.

Compile this repository

cd ef_example_simple_standalone
spin build

here we assumed that you have installed the spin binary and the Rust toolchain set. If you didn't, do it by:

# install rust at first, and add the following component
rustup target add wasm32-wasi

# download spin v1.3.0
cd /tmp 
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -v v1.3.0
mv /tmp/spin ~/.cargo/bin/

Copy the spin binary to current directory

cp ~/.cargo/bin/spin .

Build the app docker


Run docker compose.

docker compose -f docker-compose-1node.yml up

after a while,


We use hurl as the client to do testing. You can install it by:

cargo install hurl

And then,

cd flow_tests

# create new artile row
hurl new_article.hurl

# it returns something like:
# {"result":"Ok","id":"5wzxHoJnQd5QhbGcdKkesGiEwtUkynPY4JFrUrm9Us5q"}

# copy the returned id and paste to the right place of the next command line to get this article
hurl --variable id=5wzxHoJnQd5QhbGcdKkesGiEwtUkynPY4JFrUrm9Us5q get_one_article.hurl

# it returns something like:
# [{"id":"5wzxHoJnQd5QhbGcdKkesGiEwtUkynPY4JFrUrm9Us5q","title":"test111","content":"this is the content of test111","authorname":"mike tang"}]